With a baby on the way I know I'll be needing this!!
JOIN Bloggin' Mamas TODAY from 1p-2p EST for a #TakeCareChat Twitter Chat to learn more about Get Covered America and your options under the ACA. We’re helping to raise awareness about the new coverage options available through the Health Insurance Marketplace and the financial assistance available. Since we’re talking about “qualifying life” events, we’ll be joined by two special guest experts. o Wedding expert Dana LaRue (@brokeassbride), the author of “The Broke-Ass Bride’s Wedding Guide.” Dana can share tips about throwing a fantastic wedding on a budget. o Frugal maven Amiyrah Martin (@4hatsandfrugal). Amiyrah is a well-known African-American mom blogger (currently expecting a new addition to her family) and a firm believer in living a frugal lifestyle without deprivation. Did you know that more than half of the uninsured could find insurance for less than $100 per month (under $50 for people under 35)? The uninsured are exposed to significant financial risk from medical issues, accidents or emergencies. Even young and healthy individuals are at-risk. One trip to the emergency room for a broken arm or a bad ear infection could cost thousands of dollars. Open enrollment for marketplace coverage is set to begin again in the fall, but Medicaid and CHIP is open year-round, and special enrollment is ongoing. As with other elements of the health care law, many of those eligible for coverage don't understand ALL the details. WHILE the Health Insurance Marketplaces don’t OPEN until November 15th, certain “qualifying life events” (like getting married, having a baby, adopting a child, moving, losing your current health insurance, and more) could allow you to get covered now. Here are SOME answers TO questions you might have:
- Am I eligible TO enroll now?
- How DO you enroll? Visit GetCoveredAmerica.org to learn how to enroll in health insurance and to get answers to common questions. The site’s content is also shareable via Facebook and Twitter at Facebook/GetCoveredAmerica and Twitter.com/GetCoveredUS.
- What IF I can’t afford health insurance? Financial help IS available. IN fact, over half OF Americans UNDER 35 could GET covered FOR UNDER $50 a month! Use the “GET Covered Calculator” TO see how much help you could qualify FOR TO cover your monthly insurance cost. http://www.getcoveredamerica.org/calculator/ (Here’s an embeddable version of the cost estimator: https://www.getcoveredamerica.org/calculator/embed/)
- What IF I need help? IF you GET stumped WITH your application, NO worries! LOCAL help IS available. Use our GET Covered America 101 PAGE (http://www.getcoveredamerica.org/get-covered-101) to find answers to the most commonly asked questions, or our locator tool to find an expert who can help. By entering your ZIP code, you will get the names and phone numbers of experts who can help you complete your application and understand your health insurance options. http://www.getcoveredamerica.org/locator/
Hope this is helpful to some of you, y si no-
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