I for one enjoyed it, needless to say I cried along side my SIL and cousin...but there was not a dry face in the house. The graphics were phenomenal. We saw it in 3D...which was amah-zing! It was definitely a must see for the whole family and there were surprise guests and epic dragon battles.

The scenery also captivated; it was beautiful dragon land, which looked like a butterfly garden. So colorful I genuinely thought of it as a magical oasis. To say the least, I was floored and enthused throughout the movie. I was not bored one moment and of course neither were the kids.

I mean the movie is for them...essentially. I know I was surpised that the storyline delighted and kept my interest...considering I didn't see the first one. According to El Dr, my son, the second was better than the first.
Did you like it better or the same as the first one?
So glad y'all got to go, and even gladder it was liked. Actually, after talking to your brother and nephews, liked was too suave- they ♥♥♥ it! Obviously it was a movie the whole family can agree on.