Friday, June 27, 2014

Snackeez! The easiest snack/drink combo to take around...

@TheSnackeez - I must say, this product is wonderful! The box says for 8+, but even adults can enjoy this compact drink and snack holder. My hubster was more ecstatic than his son, El Doctor, to say the least.

The top portion is easily removed by screwing into the cup and you may insert your preferred drink. Keep in mind it must be a cold drink.

 The cup itself is a decent size, about 2 cups, which I did not think would be the case when seen on TV.
The top compartment pops open and snaps shut tightly to p
ut any type of snack you can fit.
This top portion is about half a cup. The Snackeez! is sturdy and ready to take on the go.

I would recommend this, especially for these HOT summer days. It's only $9.99 and can be purchased at


Available in different colors.

Don't hesitate to buy any of these as they are highly recommended by myself and other mom bloggers. Just check it out for yourself.

 **Product was sent to give MY opinion and no monetary compensation given.**

Tengo que decir que este producto es maravilloso! La caja dice para 8 +, pero incluso los adultos pueden disfrutar de esta bebida compacta y snack titular. Mi esposito era más estático que su hijo, El Doctor! La parte superior se elimina fácilmente mediante atornillado en la taza y pueden utilizar su bebida preferida. Tenga en cuenta que debe ser una bebida fría.

La copa en sí es de un tamaño decente, alrededor de 2 tazas que no pensé que sería el caso cuando se ve por televisión. El compartimiento superior se abra y se cierre de golpe con fuerza para poner cualquier tipo de aperitivo que puede encajar. Esta parte superior es aproximadamente la mitad de una taza. El Snackeez! Es robusto y listo para tomar sobre la marcha. Yo recomendaría este, especialmente para estos días calurosos de verano.
Es solo $ 9.99 y se pueden comprar en
Disponible en los colores mencionados.
No dude en comprar algunos de estos, ya que son altamente recomendados por mí mismo y otros bloggers mamá.
Sólo echa un vistazo por ti mismo.

** Producto fue enviado a dar mi opinión y no una compensación monetaria dada. **

Until the next time- Hasta la proxima

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Palm Beach Shower Expo- Giveaway for South Florida Moms.


Can this be more perfect timing??

Calling ALL South Florida New Moms AND Mommies-To-Be!!!

Enter TO win 1 OF over 20 awesome prizes provided BY the sponsors AND exhibitors OF the Palm Beach Baby Shower Expo coming up October 12th IN West Palm Beach.

Here IS what you could win:

  • Palm Beach Baby Shower Expo- 2 General Admission Tickets $30 Value
  • Healthy Home Company- Organic toxic FREE shampoo, lotion AND hand sanitizer $39.40 Value
  • Baby K'tan- Baby K'TAN Baby Carrier $49.95 Value
  • Got Kids? Take Notes- 3 signed copies of "Got Kids? Take Notes" $30.00 Value- one book each to 3 winners
  • Cuddle Cloth- Cuddlecloth hands FREE hooded towel gift set $45.53 Value
  • Little Trendyz- Zippyz gray chevron patterrn with yellow border $26.99 Value
  • Heritage Makers- $30 Gift certificate
  • Vanessa Rowan (Molded Moments)-$25 gift certificate towards ANY pregnancy, foot OR hand casting
  • Juice Plus- one month SUPPLY OF complete shakes $30.00 Value
  • Beauticontrol- BC Baby NO rinse Wash AND Baby Crème $32.00 Value
  • SearlStudio Kids- 2 autographed books $24.98 one book TO each winner (2 winners) Titled: Music IS a Rainbow Titled: Kayla AND Eli Discover Jazz
  • GreenPath Baby- Rumparooz Eco Owl Cloth Diaper Snap $24.00 Value
  • Scentsy- Plug IN Warmer w/ Newborn Nursery Wax bar $25.00 Value
  • It Works- One Wrap $25.00 Value
  • Happy Family Brands- Welcome Baby Gift Set $40.00 Value
  • Pretty Girl Photography- One Hour Photography Session $95.00 Value
  • Budsies LLC- FREE Budsie (Gift Code) $69.00 sale price going on now (normally $99) This IS a custom gift TO create a stuffed animal.
  • AquaBelly- (3) packages OF 4 FREE consecutive week classes (1 winner per location) $48.00 Lake Worth, Boca, Boynton= 1 winner, one FOR each location
  • Purebarre- 3 Pure Barre Classes $60.00 AT ANY 4 locations- Palm Beach Gardens, Jupiter, Wellington and West Palm
  • Modstraps- Camera Pouch WITH matching Camera Strap IN Crimson Victorian AND Cap Saver $72.00 value

More Info about the Palm Beach Baby Shower Expo

Date: Sunday, Oct. 12, 2014 Time: 10 am TO 5 pm Location: West Palm Beach Marriott1001 Okeechobbee Blvd, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Cost: VIP Pass- Includes mocktail for mom, SWAG Bag filled with real samples, coupons and other goodies & chair or foot massage. $35/ for Mom to Be. advance tickets only. One per party. General Admission- $15.00 pp advance/ $25 pp at the door Register/ Buy Tickets:

Here IS what you can look FORWARD TO......

PAMPERING LOUNGE! VIP Pass Holders will relax WITH a complimentary hands on 10 minute massage TO relieve those aches AND pains. Dad IS welcome too. KIDS ZONE Facepainting, character visits, toys, magician, music, story telling, craft AREA AND more! Designed FOR ages 1-7. WIN FREE PRODUCTS Every 10-15 minutes something IS given away! FROM 4D Ultrasounds, Spa Packages, Baby-moon Getaways, Hair Designs AND so much more... EXHIBITORS Over 40 businesses FROM health, nutrition, clothing, nursery, baby care, services, equipment will be present. ALL TO help you AND your baby. MEET THE DOCTORS AND LOCAL SPEAKERS ON STAGE Breasfeeding, Labor AND Delivery CLASS, Mommy AND Baby Massage Prenatal Yoga CLASS AND more SWAG BAG 200 SWAG Bags will be given TO VIP Pass holders. SWAG filled WITH real goodies FOR mom, dad AND baby. One per party please. CONTESTS Daddy Duty Contest- Let's see how quick dad is at changing diapers, feeding and bathing correctly. Winner gets prizes. Toddler Rodeo- Have a toddler already? Let's see how fast they can go! EDUCATION Daycare, Preschools,AND Private Schools on hand TO research your child's education goals.  

Enter to WIN Now!!!

Giveaway begins June 23rd, 2014 at 12:01 am and ends July 7th, 2014 at 12:01 am EST. Open to FL residents age 18 and older.

Disclosure: I am participating in this Bloggin' Mamas campaign AND RECEIVING tickets TO the expo IN exchange FOR my participation IN sharing this giveaway. ALL opinions are my own.

#TakeCareChat 6/25 ACA Get Covered America


With a baby on the way I know I'll be needing this!!

 JOIN Bloggin' Mamas TODAY from 1p-2p EST for a #TakeCareChat Twitter Chat to learn more about Get Covered America and your options under the ACA. We’re helping to raise awareness about the new coverage options available through the Health Insurance Marketplace and the financial assistance available. Since we’re talking about “qualifying life” events, we’ll be joined by two special guest experts. o Wedding expert Dana LaRue (@brokeassbride), the author of “The Broke-Ass Bride’s Wedding Guide.” Dana can share tips about throwing a fantastic wedding on a budget. o Frugal maven Amiyrah Martin (@4hatsandfrugal). Amiyrah is a well-known African-American mom blogger (currently expecting a new addition to her family) and a firm believer in living a frugal lifestyle without deprivation. Did you know that more than half of the uninsured could find insurance for less than $100 per month (under $50 for people under 35)? The uninsured are exposed to significant financial risk from medical issues, accidents or emergencies. Even young and healthy individuals are at-risk. One trip to the emergency room for a broken arm or a bad ear infection could cost thousands of dollars. Open enrollment for marketplace coverage is set to begin again in the fall, but Medicaid and CHIP is open year-round, and special enrollment is ongoing. As with other elements of the health care law, many of those eligible for coverage don't understand ALL the details. WHILE the Health Insurance Marketplaces don’t OPEN until November 15th, certain “qualifying life events” (like getting married, having a baby, adopting a child, moving, losing your current health insurance, and more) could allow you to get covered now. Here are SOME answers TO questions you might have:
  • Am I eligible TO enroll now?
Medicaid AND the Children’s Health Insurance PROGRAM (CHIP) remain available TO everyone eligible throughout the year. People can enroll IN a Marketplace plan IF they've had a "qualifying life event" -- meaning they've gotten married, had a baby, adopted a child, moved residences outside their coverage AREA, gained citizenship, LEFT incarceration, OR lost their health coverage. IN most cases, once such an event OCCURS, a person has a 60-day WINDOW TO GET coverage. O More information about healthcare FOR newlyweds: O More information about healthcare FOR new AND expecting parents:
Disclosure: This post IS being shared AS PART OF a Bloggin' Mamas Social Good campaign. Social Good campaigns are voluntary campaigns in which the blogger shares the post for no monetary compensation.

Hope this is helpful to some of you, y si no-


Thursday, June 19, 2014

Come join us in Christ!

You're invited to a weekend service at Christ Fellowship Palmetto Bay!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

How to train your Dragon 2

I was ever so excited to spend the day with my family. Especially to witness their reaction to this movie which my nephews, especially Rinquincaya loves! Face painting, balloon swords and even professional pictures! All thanks to @AlliedHispanic @DWAnimation #HTTYD2 #Toothless #Hiccup

I for one enjoyed it, needless to say I cried along side my SIL and cousin...but there was not a dry face in the house. The graphics were phenomenal. We saw it in 3D...which was amah-zing! It was definitely a must see for the whole family and there were surprise guests and epic dragon battles.

The scenery also captivated; it was beautiful dragon land, which looked like a butterfly garden. So colorful I genuinely thought of it as a magical oasis. To say the least, I was floored and enthused throughout the movie. I was not bored one moment and of course neither were the kids.
I mean the movie is for them...essentially. I know I was surpised that the storyline delighted and kept my interest...considering I didn't see the first one. According to El Dr, my son, the second was better than the first.

Did you like it better or the same as the first one?

Friday, June 6, 2014

New Baby Needs Giveaway!

New Baby Needs Button
Here's a new give away for all parents alike!
See if you can be a winner and enter everyday
until June 22nd! Don't miss out on this great
opportunity! Good luck!

New Baby Needs Event Is HERE!! We Are Excited To Be Celebrating These New Additions!!

Joy Of Momma Joyner and This Mama's Life have just added new babies to their families! To celebrate, they have teamed up with an awesome group of bloggers and wonderful sponsors to bring you great products that a New Baby Needs! ONE WINNER will walk away with this whole prize package worth over $1250! The Prize Package includes items from these sponsors: LogoCollage
Halo – SleepSack – $29
Pish Posh Baby – Baby Jogger Vue Stroller – $199
Undercover Mama – Nursing Tank Top – $35
Making Mama’s Milk Cookies – 1 Month Supply Of Cookies – $48
Tiny Love – NEW Tummy Time Fun: Under The Sea – $30
Applecheeks – Applecheeks Bundle – $30
Tommee Tippee – Colorful Bottle 3-pack – $24
Little Toader - Teether - $10
Baby Shusher - Baby Shusher - $35
Buncha Farmers - stain remover, 3 varieties of our hand made manuka honey soaps, hand sanitizer, body and facial skin cream - $39
Buttons Diapers - 3 Diaper Covers and 3 Daytime Inserts - $43
Baby Box Company - Baby Box - $150
Clever Relish - Wipes Case Cover - $15
Levana - Oma+ Powered by Snuza - $99
Bobee - Diaper and Wipes Dispenser - $40
Hairbow Company - Outfit - $20
Aden + Anais - Dream Blanket - $50
Mixie Baby - Mixie Bottle - $20
PediPed - 1 Pair of Originals - $35
MAM - Cooler Teether and Oral Care Rabbit - $12
BabyBjörn - Bouncer Balance Soft - $199
Chewbeads - Jane Necklace - $30
Ciinolin - Swaddles and Baby Steps Cards - $55
GlowBug Cloth Diapers - Diaper and Insert - $13
PRK Products - Baby Food Organizer - $25
So, what do you think? Ready to enter? It’s simple! Just fill out the Giveaway Tools Form below. There are plenty of entry options, and the more you do, the better your chances of winning are! The New Baby Needs Event Prize Package is open to all legal residents of the United States who are 18-years-old or older. This event will run from 12:00am EST Sunday, June 1, 2014 through 11:59pm EST Sunday, June 22, 2014. Best Of Luck!
Disclaimer: Joy Of Momma Joyner, This Mama's Life, and all the participating blogs are not responsible for the fulfillment of the prizes. The sponsors will send the prizes directly to the winner. We are also not responsible for any unfortunate accidents that may result from the use of any of these products.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Happy 29th Bday to Babushka's Bebe

Dear Readers, I hope you don't mind Babushka taking over the blog today, but I am so excited and feliz for my daughter and the new direction/choices that she's making that I will take over the Blogasphere and the entire Web Galaxy if I could to let her know it.  This is my letter to her.

La Princesa & Babushka's Bebe

Happy Happy to you My Beautiful First Born!!

So many emotions, so many things I want to say to you- 
just like 29 years ago when you were born.  

The main ones are also the same as 29 years ago.  

You are wanted, You are loved,
 and Mama will always do what she thinks is the best for you and be your #1 fan.

Your first year of life was one of growing,learning and adventures, and this week will start a year of growing, learning and adventures too- BB feels blessed to have been a part of both. 

You are an invited guest to Tide’s #KeepItClean soccer jersey exchange & youth league game event at the Brickell Soccer Roof Top with your husband, sports enthusiast @IamPugilism and even get to interview famous sports personality @AndresCantorGol ! Then on Saturday you and your son will celebrate your joint birthdays by going to a Special Screening of How to TrainYour Dragon 2 facilitated by +ALLIEDHISPANIC .  Hopefully these gifts I shared with you will be just the beginning of a loved career with untold blessings for you and your family.

The Bella Dancer of our family, you're learning a new baile where you will once again shine and use the countless talents you've been given.  Each year is a building block for the next and this one will bring you many realizations about the strengths and possibilities in your life.  Don't ever again lose faith in yourself and those who love you.  If you ever start to falter (as we all do from time to time) there are many who will help, apoyar, and believe in you. Including and especially Babushka.

Signed, Your #1 Fan