Monday, December 22, 2014

Foster some ♥ for #FosterCare. @AdoptUsKids @BlogginMamas @AdCouncil


I am sharing this on behalf of a Bloggin' Mamas Social Good Campaign. Bloggin' Mamas and Element Associates are donating a toy to a child in foster care for every blog post sharing this information, up to 25. 

My family has been blessed with many little ones. Though it may be a little tight sometimes, they are always loved, fed and cared for.  Unfortunately I can't say the same for all children.
 "Today, 402,000 children are in the foster care system in the United States. Nearly 102,000 children (under 18 years of age) waiting for adoption. During this holiday season, there’s an extra push to help them find homes. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, AdoptUSKids and the Ad Council recently unveiled a new series of public service advertisements (PSAs) designed to continue to encourage the adoption of children from foster care with an emphasis on the importance of keeping siblings together. Check out this PSA video from the Ad Council:


 Since the launch of the campaign in 2004, more than 22,000 children who were once photo-listed on the AdoptUSKids website are now with their adoptive families and over 35,000 families have registered to adopt through AdoptUSKids. Many times, there are siblings also listed. Approximately 23% of children and youth actively photolisted on the AdoptUSKids website and waiting for placement in adoptive homes were registered with one or more siblings. Sibling relationships are often the longest-lasting relationships for children in foster care.

 For more information about adoption, or about becoming an adoptive parent to a child from foster care, please visit or visit the campaign’s communities on Facebook and Twitter.

 **Disclosure: I was not compensated for this post. I am donating this space towards sharing this message. Bloggin' Mamas and Element Associates will be donating a toy to a foster child in exchange for my post, in support of AdoptUSKids."

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Frozen Fridays in Miami...

Are you in Miami this December? Do your kids love the Disney movie Frozen? Well get ready for them to meet Elsa and Anna every Friday this month while enjoying a sweet treat. You won't want to miss them as they visit Bunnie cakes at 2322 NE 2ND AVE. from 3-6 pm. Besides the sisters and the cupcakes, there'll be raffles with lots of prizes. Costumes are encouraged, so come join the celebration!! Tell them Babushkas Bebe sent you!

And if you didn't like the Frozen movie...

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

38th Annual Christmas Gala December 6th #kiwanisparty2014

Please join me as we celebrate this holiday with a spectacular party provided by the Kiwanis of Little Havana Foundation. As Miami is known for the city of stars and parties, I'm sure this will be one for the books. An all out fiesta de Latinos para que gozen y disfruten, while knowing their money is being spent on great causes. It will benefit various Kiwanis of Little Havana Foundation projects, including “A Toy for Every Child” and “Adopt-a-Family” holiday initiatives.

'Tis the season to give, so not only will you be giving but receiving as well.

Great food, drinks from Bacardi and Coca-Cola, and did I mention phenomenal music?

None other than the infamous sounds of Lime, Grupo Niche and Hansel y Raul!

So let's join the festivities and give one night to these wonderful charities.

And in return we'll dance the night away knowing you've contributed to our community.

Now, go purchase your tickets so we can salsa, swing and show your swag...

Y para los que no les gusten

Event Registration Page:
Facebook Event Page:
Links to More Info:

Friday, November 21, 2014

What a Marvel! #MarvelUniverseLive #MUL #Blogginmamas

I am not a big Marvel fan. Honestly, I'm not a comic reader period, but I was definitely amazed by the spectacular stunts throughout the show. Marvel on Tour, the Marvel Universe Live show was beyond anything we expected. There were flying superheroes, motorcycles and loud bangs of the guns (firecrackers of course). And lots and lots of fire! I could feel the heat from our seats. The acrobatics, the fights, the faces on our boys, ahem, and men was priceless. You can never get too old to enjoy live entertainment. I am used to the ice shows, but this was on the top of my list for action packed fun! As a girl, I enjoyed seeing the women represented in the show. The Black Widow, Captain Marvel, Black Cat, Agent Maria Hill, and the one I did know - Storm! The storyline was funny and exciting. Go and take the kids or just go yourself if you're a Marvel fan or enjoy live shows.

Before and during the show

Smiling faces after the show

Brother and SIL

In the chaos of the night

We couldn't leave Captain Adorable behind

Did you like Marvel comics growing up or still do?

Here's the link to this great show:

Make sure if you go to use #MUL #BlogginMamas and show us your marvelous pics!

Hasta la proxima!

*Disclosure- We were given tickets to the event in exchange for this post by +Feld Entertainment and Bloggin' Mamas. However all opinions and smiles are mine and my families.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Floating Balls? #FloatBall #ZooMiami Ride #Giveaway

HAHAHAHAHA! I know what you were thinking, not those! They're SOCCER BALLS! First time in the U.S., Mi-YAMI provides us with the world renown FloatBall! Imagine, a huge soccer ball that cracks open and spins until you're green in the face. The hydraulic ceiling allows for the breeze to go through the ball or can be closed in case of rain. I was amazed not only about the spinning, but the ingenuity of the floating ball. It is actually an environmentally friendly means of transportation which is comfortable and provides a 360-degree view. The ride can be calm and relaxing or fast and exciting! Whichever you prefer this is the attraction for you. Make sure to visit Zoo Miami, where you will of course not only enjoy a great outing learning about animals, but also ride this spectacular boat that was built in South Africa. You will be one of the thousands that rode this, as was seen at this years FIFA World Cup in Brazil.

 I believe MY Dr. J, as my mother (Bohemian Babushka) coined him, was and is the youngest person to ride in Miami. He's now 6 weeks old.
Relaxing with mommy, missing daddy @iampugilism

Going rate for boats

My head Mamas from @blogginmamas , the old and the new .
+Bohemian Babushka    +Heather Lopez 

Duck kicking the Floatball #whatakicker

One last fact which I did not get to experience unfortunately, but will definitely go back to try -
is the LED backlighting that is equipped for night time fun.
Will you go at night? Let me know how it went, I know I will!

And for those who'd love to ride the Floatball, here's your chance.
A Giveaway for up to 4 passengers to ride!


Go ahead and enter- Good Luck!!!
Ends 11/22/2014 11:59 pm EST

And for those of you that don't like floating balls...

Soy miembra de BLOGGIN' MAMAS

Invited by @CelebConceptsBloggin' Mamas, I was part of the inaugural intro/celebration.
 All opinions are mine.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Turning 8. My Nephew PicaPica's Costume Birthday Party.

  My nephew's birthday is on the 25th of October, so he decided he wanted a party- 
a costume party.

Here's the birthday,pre-Halloween-party-that-turned-into-a-weekend we had with family and friends...

These are my children (El doctor and la princesa)  ready to go party with their cousins,

or as you may know them from my mother's blog (Babushka's Baile)

Here's the costume contest part of the night 

and of course singing Happy birthday to my eldest nephew.

This is my sister in law and brother MAC with my nephews

My brother and MY littlest one, the newest member of the family Dr. J

My little sister aka my mom's My Little One and the nephews could I forget, LA TATA and picapica

And this is us, the hubby aka @iampugilism being silly with the glow in the dark fangs...

It was a great night overall as this was the first time I was able to enjoy some VINO (WINE for the English only audience) and party since Dr. J was born. It's been 5 years since my last baby, so not only were we celebrating my nephew's birthday and Halloween, I was celebrating the LAST of my pregnancies.  That's it, no more, the end. What didn't end was the fiesta. We were in familia, endless rounds of toasts, laughs and love.

Here are my brother and Dr. J the day after,

Do we know how to party or what?

AND If you don't like to PARTY or el VINO...

National Brush Day Giveaway

National Brush Day


Bloggin' Mamas is supporting the Ad Council and The Partnership for Healthy Mouths, Healthy Lives (a coalition of more than 35 leading dental health organizations) by sharing the word about “National Brush Day.”

National Brush Day is observed on November 1st, the day after Halloween, to reinforce the importance of children’s oral health and to promote good tooth-brushing habits recommended by dental experts.

More than 51 million school hours are lost each year due to dental related illness, resulting in parents losing 25 million work hours annually. Cavities and oral infections can cause severe pain and can increase a child’s risk for dental issues and poor health throughout their lives.

3 in 4 parents report that their kids sometimes or frequently forget to brush their teeth, according to a national survey just released by the Ad Council. In an effort to help parents better understand why ignoring dental health can have serious consequences, and educate families about good dental health habits, the Ad Council and The Partnership for Healthy Mouths, Healthy Lives created new Public Service Ads (PSAs) for their Kids’ Healthy Mouths campaign. The new PSAs are humorous depictions of life lessons which make the point that while parenting can be tricky at times, getting kids to brush for two minutes, twice a day can be easier than most other things parents will try to teach their children.

Visit (which is available in English and Spanish, and includes a mobile version), where parents and children can watch entertaining videos—all 2 minutes in length—while brushing their teeth.


o Here are some new PSA videos:;
o Fun 2-minute videos that will keep your kids brushing for 2 whole minutes:;

o Take the 2min2x Text Challenge with your kids!
75% of kids forget to brush their teeth. Take the brushing challenge to make sure your kids are always in the healthy 25%. You’ll get 2 texts per day for 5 days, plus occasional tips and fun facts afterward. Sign up to see if YOUR family can beat the challenge. (;)

o Make brushing fun with the free Toothsavers App:;

o Promote or enter the video contest for a chance to win $20,000: In addition to the new PSAs, the campaign will be kicking off its first video contest called #BrushRules leveraging, the world’s leading crowd sourced marketing platform for producing creative content. Parenting is hard to do. Getting your kids to brush their teeth for two minutes, twice a day is one aspect that’s easier and can make a big impact on a child’s life.

The Giveaway

Give­away begins November 1st, 2014 at 12:01 am and ends November 1st, 2014 at 11:59 pm EST. Open to US res­i­dents age 18 and older. Win­ner will be selected by and be noti­fied by email. See Raf­fle­copter wid­get below for full terms & conditions.

Dis­clo­sure: I am sharing this post on behalf of Bloggin' Mamas. Blog­gin’ Mamas is host­ing this give­away and coor­di­nat­ing prize ful­fill­ment. Ele­ment Asso­ciates, The Ad Coun­cil and the The Partnership for Healthy Mouths, Healthy Lives are in no way respon­si­ble for the give­away, and only pro­vided the above con­tent to be dis­trib­uted in the form of a PSA.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Book of Life - the Movie & Carnival!

The wonderful people of Allied are excited about sharing this, and I don't blame them. Here's what they shared:

"Twentieth Century Fox & Pembroke Lakes Mall welcomes families to attend  “THE BOOK OF LIFE HALLOWEEN CARNIVAL”  this coming SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12th  to celebrate the Halloween season and the upcoming release of the new film “THE BOOK OF LIFE!”  This FREE family carnival-like event will take place at PEMBROKE LAKES MALL (Center Court Area) from 1:00pm-3:30pm, is open to KIDS, PARENTS and FAMILIES of all ages and is guaranteed to be FUN!  Activities will include FREE face painting, FREE Halloween arts & craft activities, FREE carnival food/snacks, FREE movie pass giveaways, $500 in GIFT CARD giveaways, FREE and FUN Photo Booths and much more!  Costumes are welcome! There will even be a Pumpkin Ring Toss for the little ones to win a prize.
THE BOOK OF LIFE opens in theatres nationwide on Friday, October 17, 2014.

From producer Guillermo del Toro and director Jorge Gutierrez comes an animated comedy with a unique visual style. THE BOOK OF LIFE is the journey of Manolo, a young man who is torn between fulfilling the expectations of his family and following his heart. Before choosing which path to follow, he embarks on an incredible adventure that spans three fantastical worlds where he must face his greatest fears. Rich with a fresh take on pop music favorites, THE BOOK OF LIFE encourages us to celebrate the past while looking forward to the future.

The Book of Life (2014) Poster

Release: October 17, 2014, in 3D
Director: Jorge R. Gutierrez
Produced by: Guillermo del Toro, Brad Booker, Aaron D. BergerCarina Schulze
Screenplay by: Jorge R. Gutierrez & Doug Langdale
Starring the voice talents of (in alphabetical order): Christina Applegate, Ice Cube, Hector Elizondo, Diego Luna, Zoë Saldana, Channing Tatum

THE BOOK OF LIFE, a vibrant fantasy-adventure, tells the legend of Manolo, a conflicted hero and dreamer who sets off on an epic quest through magical, mythical and wondrous worlds in order to rescue his one true love and defend his village "

Looks like a winner, and if it's not quite your style-

Thursday, October 2, 2014

#HialeahParkParties Twitter Party Celebrating @HialeahPark "The world's most beautiful racetrack" 9 pm Oct 2

#HialeahParkParties at  10-2-14 at 9pm EST   

My first co-hosting gig and I couldn't be happier that it's with my mom  @BBabushka and Bloggin' Mamas! 

Since 1925 @HialeahPark has been known as a world-class venue for races and events. “The world’s most beautiful race course” has hosted dignitaries and celebrities, been the backdrop for films, and has the distinction of being an Audubon Bird Sanctuary and being listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Newly renovated, the indoor event rooms have all the modern equipment necessary for todays functions. @HialeahPark continues to be as Winston Churchill said, “Extraordinary” and will make all events there be just that. Over 75 years of experience shows because #HialeahParkParties .

 Date: Thursday, October 2nd, 2014 Time: 9:00-10:00pm EST / 6:00-7:00pm PST

Hashtag: #HialeahParkParties

Presented by: @HialeahPark and @BlogginMamas

Moderators: English- @HeLoEnterprises Spanish- @BBabushka Co-hosts: @BlogginMamas, @MamasMission, @CoolChillMom, @BrandonsPuppy, and @BabushkasBebe

 Prizes: During the Twitter Party there will be a chance to win one of the prizes by answering various Hialeah Park Trivia. Winners will be selected at random from all eligible entries.

 Prizes 5- $50 Hialeah Park Casino Free Play
RSVP Prize 1- $50 Hialeah Park Casino Free Play US Residents 21+.
RSVP Not Required, but must RSVP to be eligible for RSVP prize.


  Disclosure: I am participating in this sponsored campaign on behalf of Bloggin' Mamas. Any opinions expressed are my own.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Win a $100 #Target Giftcard #Giveaway!

What would you buy with $100 in Target?  
Personally, I think I could find something worth getting in EVERY department- 
especially now with a baby on the way!! 

Join us on Instagram as we bring you a-

$100 Target Sept.jpg

My blogger friends and I are bringing together two of our favorite things for a super-fun giveaway -- Target & Instagram! You’ll have the chance to win a $100 Target gift card + follow some awesome bloggers on instagram! Be sure to bookmark this page and come back everyday because there will be daily entries available. Good luck!

P.S. Check the Rafflecopter for the link to another $100 Target Giveaway for even MORE chances to win!


Prizes: $100 Target Gift Card

Organized by: Oh My Gosh Beck!
Rules: Use the Rafflecopter form to enter daily. Giveaway ends 10/7 and is open worldwide.

Are you a blogger who wants to participate in giveaways like these to grow your blog? Click here to find out how you can join a totally awesome group of bloggers!

Image via Unsplash

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Save the Children campaign #MDGmomentum

Would you like to help Save the Children around the world from the comfort of your own home? I know I am here to spread this wonderful campaign started by Social Good Moms for the betterment of children's well being in developing countries.

Could you believe that in this day and age with the advancement in medical technology, the children mortality rate of preventable diseases is alarming. Diseases such as malaria, pneumonia and diarrhea! When I saw the tweet from Mom Bloggers Club, which is the sister site of Social Good Moms, that caught my attention in regards to this campaign. As a mom, I want to help in any way I can, especially if I can do it from home, as I have my own children to take care of.

There have been A Marathon of Mom's Voices that have collaborated for this great cause and it is a privilege to have signed up to join in this effort to spread the news of this...what seems never ending challenge children and women face today.

We are trying to inform the public of the UN's Millennium Development Goal 4 project which is to reduce child mortality by two-thirds.

Help spread the word...

  • Each day an estimated 800 mothers and 18,000 young children die from largely preventable causes.
  • In the time left to the MDG target we need to accelerate progress toward achieving MDG 4.
  • More than 1 million babies die on their first and only day of life across the world, and 2.9 million in their first month.
  • The newborn crisis is much bigger than we may think, with a staggering 1.2 million stillbirthsoccurring during childbirth.
  • More than half of these maternal and under-fives deaths take place in locations beset by a high risk of conflict and/or natural disasters.
  • 40 million women give birth without any skilled help – that’s more than 100,000 women every day. Even more dramatically, 2 million women a year are entirely alone when giving birth.
  • Investing in mothers works. Maternal deaths and child mortality in the most challenging countries of the world are being dramatically cut when efforts are made to improve services for mothers and children.
Join and follow the global conversation to see what people around the world are saying using the hashtag #MDGmomentum.

Hope you can join me in this very noble campaign, because we CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

$250 Amazon gift card #giveaway Sponsored by @Kinsights

If you're anything like me, paperwork tends to get misfiled or lost.  Not a good thing, especially when you have little ones.  Bad enough when it's one child, but now that I'll be a mom to 3?? This is a terrific service that this mama is definitely going to need, so I'm so glad I'm part of the giveaway.  Not only is it a great idea, but they're giving a great prize!!

1459702_10204202867651918_8477313773963881569_n (1)

Sponsored by Kinsights

Kinsights is an online Pediatric Personal Health Record Keeper for parents. Gone are the days where you’re being held responsible for keeping track of slips of paper or lugging files and folders containing your children’s health information. And in the event of an emergency, you can even have the health records sent to the ER or out-of-town doctor in a snap. Organize your child’s growth and developmental milestones, immunizations, medications, allergies, and more.

This tool is amazing and a godsend to parents. Kinsights is also a community where parents can safely seek and share answers to parenting questions. You can ask anything and Kinsights will find the right community members who can provide guidance. Kinsights even offers groups with similar interests their own pages, including single parents, grandparents, those interested in car seat safety, baby & kids fashion, potty training groups, and many more.

What's really cool about this community is that it makes finding the best answers easy-community members vote up answers so the best content rises to the top. Connect with Kinsights at their website to learn more and sign-up! You can also follow them on Facebook and Twitter.


Disclaimer: The participating bloggers were not compensated for this post. No purchase is necessary to enter. One entrant per household, per address. Void where prohibited by law. Winner(s) will be contacted by email and have 48 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen. The sponsor(s) will be responsible for product shipment to winner(s) of this sweepstakes. This event is in no way administered, sponsored, or endorsed by, or associated with, Facebook and/or Twitter, Google, Pinterest. Contact if you have any additional questions or comments.

And to those that don't need this service....

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

HERLIFE magazine giveaway!

August Summer Giveaway

Sponsored by:

image001Ends 8/31/14 11:59pm
Each week during the month of August 2 lucky Participants will have the chance to

WIN A Full year Subscription to

HERLIFE Magazine

or a $100.00 VBoutique Gift Certificate good towards the procedure of your choice
DON'T WANT TO WAIT TO WIN HERLIFE? You don't have to simply SUBSCRIBE and it's all yours straight to your door!
To enter simply use the Entry Form below, this giveaway is open to Florida Residents only.

Disclaimer: Blogger participants are not responsible for the prizes being offered. Bloggers are not receiving compensation for participating in this giveaway. Entries will be validated and confirmed before announcement of winners are given. Failure to claim your prize within 72 hours will result in a reissue of the prize to the next available participant. Winners will be drawn each Friday Starting August 8th, announcements will be made once the gift has been claimed.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie review #TMNTMOVIE

Had the privilege of watching the premiere of the next generation of turtles. With great effects and newly improved, yet shocking turtles; I believe it was the movie of the summer. It was a fantastic family friendly film which everyone can enjoy with a different twist than the first generation. Major actors made the film enjoyable such as Megan Fox,  Johnny Knoxville, Pete Ploszek, Noel Fisher, Jeremy Howard, Alan Ritchson, Danny Woodburn, Tony Shalhoub, William Fichtner, and Will Arnett.

In my opinion, Shredder's costume was the best of all. The graphics as well as the movie made this a film to never forget. The whole family was glued to their seats as we watched the action packed and at times heart felt story of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. This movie can be enjoyed by all ages, even LA TATA enjoyed it. Hope you go out and check it out before school starts, so your kids can go to school talking about this exciting film.

Have your kids watch the old school movie before going to see the new school and ask them to compare both.

Here's my hubby's take on the can follow him +Daddys SweetScience @daddyswtscience

What were your thoughts on the old school vs. new school version of the TMNT?

Share your #TMNTmovie excitement @AlliedHispanic @TMNTmovie


I just put on my mask! TMNT Yourself with your own mask at:

And if for some reason you unbelievably don't like the movie-

Was given passes to see the screening with my family.  All opinions expressed are mine and theirs.