Tuesday, November 25, 2014

38th Annual Christmas Gala December 6th #kiwanisparty2014

Please join me as we celebrate this holiday with a spectacular party provided by the Kiwanis of Little Havana Foundation. As Miami is known for the city of stars and parties, I'm sure this will be one for the books. An all out fiesta de Latinos para que gozen y disfruten, while knowing their money is being spent on great causes. It will benefit various Kiwanis of Little Havana Foundation projects, including “A Toy for Every Child” and “Adopt-a-Family” holiday initiatives.

'Tis the season to give, so not only will you be giving but receiving as well.

Great food, drinks from Bacardi and Coca-Cola, and did I mention phenomenal music?

None other than the infamous sounds of Lime, Grupo Niche and Hansel y Raul!

So let's join the festivities and give one night to these wonderful charities.

And in return we'll dance the night away knowing you've contributed to our community.

Now, go purchase your tickets so we can salsa, swing and show your swag...

Y para los que no les gusten

Event Registration Page:  http://www.kiwanischristmasparty.com/
Facebook Event Page:  bit.ly/KiwanisPartyEvent
Links to More Info:  bit.ly/KiwanisParty2014

Friday, November 21, 2014

What a Marvel! #MarvelUniverseLive #MUL #Blogginmamas

I am not a big Marvel fan. Honestly, I'm not a comic reader period, but I was definitely amazed by the spectacular stunts throughout the show. Marvel on Tour, the Marvel Universe Live show was beyond anything we expected. There were flying superheroes, motorcycles and loud bangs of the guns (firecrackers of course). And lots and lots of fire! I could feel the heat from our seats. The acrobatics, the fights, the faces on our boys, ahem, and men was priceless. You can never get too old to enjoy live entertainment. I am used to the ice shows, but this was on the top of my list for action packed fun! As a girl, I enjoyed seeing the women represented in the show. The Black Widow, Captain Marvel, Black Cat, Agent Maria Hill, and the one I did know - Storm! The storyline was funny and exciting. Go and take the kids or just go yourself if you're a Marvel fan or enjoy live shows.

Before and during the show

Smiling faces after the show

Brother and SIL

In the chaos of the night

We couldn't leave Captain Adorable behind

Did you like Marvel comics growing up or still do?

Here's the link to this great show: http://www.ticketmaster.com/venueartist/107150/1936934

Make sure if you go to use #MUL #BlogginMamas and show us your marvelous pics!

Hasta la proxima!

*Disclosure- We were given tickets to the event in exchange for this post by +Feld Entertainment and Bloggin' Mamas. However all opinions and smiles are mine and my families.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Floating Balls? #FloatBall #ZooMiami Ride #Giveaway

HAHAHAHAHA! I know what you were thinking, not those! They're SOCCER BALLS! First time in the U.S., Mi-YAMI provides us with the world renown FloatBall! Imagine, a huge soccer ball that cracks open and spins until you're green in the face. The hydraulic ceiling allows for the breeze to go through the ball or can be closed in case of rain. I was amazed not only about the spinning, but the ingenuity of the floating ball. It is actually an environmentally friendly means of transportation which is comfortable and provides a 360-degree view. The ride can be calm and relaxing or fast and exciting! Whichever you prefer this is the attraction for you. Make sure to visit Zoo Miami, where you will of course not only enjoy a great outing learning about animals, but also ride this spectacular boat that was built in South Africa. You will be one of the thousands that rode this, as was seen at this years FIFA World Cup in Brazil.

 I believe MY Dr. J, as my mother (Bohemian Babushka) coined him, was and is the youngest person to ride in Miami. He's now 6 weeks old.
Relaxing with mommy, missing daddy @iampugilism

Going rate for boats

My head Mamas from @blogginmamas , the old and the new .
+Bohemian Babushka    +Heather Lopez 

Duck kicking the Floatball #whatakicker

One last fact which I did not get to experience unfortunately, but will definitely go back to try -
is the LED backlighting that is equipped for night time fun.
Will you go at night? Let me know how it went, I know I will!

And for those who'd love to ride the Floatball, here's your chance.
A Giveaway for up to 4 passengers to ride!


Go ahead and enter- Good Luck!!!
Ends 11/22/2014 11:59 pm EST

And for those of you that don't like floating balls...

Soy miembra de BLOGGIN' MAMAS

Invited by @CelebConceptsBloggin' Mamas, I was part of the inaugural intro/celebration.
 All opinions are mine.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Turning 8. My Nephew PicaPica's Costume Birthday Party.

  My nephew's birthday is on the 25th of October, so he decided he wanted a party- 
a costume party.

Here's the birthday,pre-Halloween-party-that-turned-into-a-weekend we had with family and friends...

These are my children (El doctor and la princesa)  ready to go party with their cousins,

or as you may know them from my mother's blog (Babushka's Baile)

Here's the costume contest part of the night 

and of course singing Happy birthday to my eldest nephew.

This is my sister in law and brother MAC with my nephews

My brother and MY littlest one, the newest member of the family Dr. J

My little sister aka my mom's My Little One and the nephews

...how could I forget, LA TATA and picapica

And this is us, the hubby aka @iampugilism being silly with the glow in the dark fangs...

It was a great night overall as this was the first time I was able to enjoy some VINO (WINE for the English only audience) and party since Dr. J was born. It's been 5 years since my last baby, so not only were we celebrating my nephew's birthday and Halloween, I was celebrating the LAST of my pregnancies.  That's it, no more, the end. What didn't end was the fiesta. We were in familia, endless rounds of toasts, laughs and love.

Here are my brother and Dr. J the day after,

Do we know how to party or what?

AND If you don't like to PARTY or el VINO...

National Brush Day Giveaway

National Brush Day


Bloggin' Mamas is supporting the Ad Council and The Partnership for Healthy Mouths, Healthy Lives (a coalition of more than 35 leading dental health organizations) by sharing the word about “National Brush Day.”

National Brush Day is observed on November 1st, the day after Halloween, to reinforce the importance of children’s oral health and to promote good tooth-brushing habits recommended by dental experts.

More than 51 million school hours are lost each year due to dental related illness, resulting in parents losing 25 million work hours annually. Cavities and oral infections can cause severe pain and can increase a child’s risk for dental issues and poor health throughout their lives.

3 in 4 parents report that their kids sometimes or frequently forget to brush their teeth, according to a national survey just released by the Ad Council. In an effort to help parents better understand why ignoring dental health can have serious consequences, and educate families about good dental health habits, the Ad Council and The Partnership for Healthy Mouths, Healthy Lives created new Public Service Ads (PSAs) for their Kids’ Healthy Mouths campaign. The new PSAs are humorous depictions of life lessons which make the point that while parenting can be tricky at times, getting kids to brush for two minutes, twice a day can be easier than most other things parents will try to teach their children.

Visit 2min2x.org (which is available in English and Spanish, and includes a mobile version), where parents and children can watch entertaining videos—all 2 minutes in length—while brushing their teeth.


o Here are some new PSA videos: http://2min2x.org/campaign-materials/;
o Fun 2-minute videos that will keep your kids brushing for 2 whole minutes:

o Take the 2min2x Text Challenge with your kids!
75% of kids forget to brush their teeth. Take the brushing challenge to make sure your kids are always in the healthy 25%. You’ll get 2 texts per day for 5 days, plus occasional tips and fun facts afterward. Sign up to see if YOUR family can beat the challenge. (http://2min2x.org/sms.asp;)

o Make brushing fun with the free Toothsavers App: http://2min2x.org/toothsavers/;

o Promote or enter the Zooppa.com video contest for a chance to win $20,000: In addition to the new PSAs, the campaign will be kicking off its first video contest called #BrushRules leveraging Zooppa.com, the world’s leading crowd sourced marketing platform for producing creative content. Parenting is hard to do. Getting your kids to brush their teeth for two minutes, twice a day is one aspect that’s easier and can make a big impact on a child’s life.

The Giveaway

Give­away begins November 1st, 2014 at 12:01 am and ends November 1st, 2014 at 11:59 pm EST. Open to US res­i­dents age 18 and older. Win­ner will be selected by Random.org and be noti­fied by email. See Raf­fle­copter wid­get below for full terms & conditions.

Dis­clo­sure: I am sharing this post on behalf of Bloggin' Mamas. Blog­gin’ Mamas is host­ing this give­away and coor­di­nat­ing prize ful­fill­ment. Ele­ment Asso­ciates, The Ad Coun­cil and the The Partnership for Healthy Mouths, Healthy Lives are in no way respon­si­ble for the give­away, and only pro­vided the above con­tent to be dis­trib­uted in the form of a PSA.