Thursday, July 31, 2014

Embarazada por tercera vez...Pregnant for the third time

¡Cómo el cuerpo cambia con cada embarazo! Realmente todo cambia. La experiencia cambia y los productos también se evolucionan. Como la nueva línea de productos de Baby K'tan. Voy a demostrar unos de los productos que me fascinan.  Elegante e único ... No puedo esperar que venga mi hijo para usar estos productos de primera línea. Ve y echa un vistazo a la variedad de productos que tienen para bebés.

La tecnología también se convierte mejor y para nosotros más fáciles. Los doctores nos enseñan nuevas maneras y alternativas para el cuidado de nuestras criaturas. Las expectativas y su manera de ser padre cambia con los años. Con la experiencia uno cree que sabe, pero cada niño es diferente y los avances médicos nos enseñan uno que todavía hay mucho que aprender. Uno nunca lo sabe todo, especialmente ser padre. Pero si podemos dar el amor y cariño y el apoyo que necesitan para tener influencias positivas en sus vidas. Gracias a Dios que mi mamá Bohemian Babushka nos ha dado amor que es lo que uno quiere en su vida. A demás de una abuela, bueno en mi vida fue mi vis abuela LA TATA. Cada bebe tiene sus maneras de ser y ojalá que este me salga con buena salud sobre todo. Bendiciones y queridos, ¡hasta la próxima!

¿Cuáles son tus experiencias como padre?
 ¿Es igual o ha cambiado?

¡OH! Y para los que no les gusta ver las barriguitas a las embarazadas...

I sorry con ehcuse meh!!
Me dieron este producto para su revisión, no se dio ninguna otra compensación.
Todas las opiniones son mías.

                        How the body changes with each pregnancy! And it's not just the body.
Your experience changes and products you've used have evolved, like the new product line Baby K'tan. I've pictured here some of the products that I love. Stylish and unique...I just can't wait for my son to use these top of the line products! Go and check out the variety of baby products they have.

The technology also gets better and becomes easier for us. Doctors teach us new ways and alternative care for our babies. Expectations and our way of parenting changes over the years. With experience you think you know, but every child is different and medical advances teach us that there is still much to learn. One would never know everything, especially being a parent. But if we can give love, affection and the support they need to have positive influences in their lives. Thank God my mom Bohemian Babushka has given us love, which is what you want in your life. I've also been blessed with the love of a grandmother. Well, in my life it was my great grandmother LA TATA. Each baby has their ways of being and hopefully this baby God willing will be healthy. Blessings loved ones, until next time!


What are your experiences as a parent?

  Is it the same or has it changed?

OH! And for those who do not like to see the pregnant bellies ...

I sorry con ehcuse meh!!
     I was given this product for review, no other compensation was given. All opinions are mine.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Sofia the First of @DisneyJunior - The Enchanted Forest. New DVD with FREE Activity Downloads Until 9/2!

My mom Babushka gave my daughter La Princesa a Sofia the First DVD so I was very happy to know she'll be getting this one too!!  If it's every bit as colorful and musical as the first one I'm sure she will enjoy it.  By the graphics and storyline it's bound to be another Disney hit. 


Sofia’s Princess Puzzlers | Garden Maze | Spot The Differences | Connect The Dots


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Sofia the First: The Enchanted Feast DVD

"There's more than meets the eye when you join Sofia the First for this royally scrumptious adventure! All the monarchs from Enchancia's neighboring kingdoms have come to watch a dazzling display of magic: First, Cedric will conjure up a fabulous feast. Next, he'll transform the banquet room into a hall of amazing ''morpho-mirrors.'' But before the fun begins, wicked Miss Nettle (disguised as ''Sascha the Sorceress'') crashes the party with a scheme to steal Sofia's magical amulet. Can Sofia foil the bad fairy's plan before it's too late? Perhaps . . . with help from Snow White, who reminds her it's important to trust your instincts."

 Available to own
August 5, 2014

Just KNOW La Princesa will love it-
and so will you.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Smell of Summer- A Ed Hardy Hearts & Daggers Perfume Giveaway


Hosted by : Confessions of a stay at home mom Co-Hosted by: Joans 5 Stars Sponsored by:     Dates: 7/13-7/27 Limited to the Continental US. Only 1 Winner



It's summer and we tend to get sweaty and stinky.  
Here's my gift; hopefully we all want to smell a little better.

Not seeing the humor?

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

#HurricanePrep- Thanks to @ReadyGov I'll be Prepared

This is a social good post on behalf of Bloggin' Mamas and the Ad Council.

I was a child when Hurricane Andrew hit our house in Miami.  It made our gazebo fly like Dorothy's House in the Wizard of Oz, made our pool patio collapse into the pool, blew open our front door and made an indoor wading pond of our sunken living room.

As a mom I hope to never experience anything like that again, so I make sure to follow all storms and prepare for any emergency. The main site to read,  has  tips about hurricanes and what to do to prepare.

The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30, with the peak occurring between mid-August and late October. The Eastern Pacific hurricane season began on May 15 and will end on November 30. In other words- we're in Hurricane Season!!!

  • To begin preparing, you should build an emergency kit and make a family communications plan.
  • Ensure a supply of water for sanitary purpose such as cleaning and flushing toilets. Fill the bathtub and other larger containers with water.
  • Find out how to keep food safe during and after and emergency.
  • If you have become separated from your family, use your family communications plan or contact the American Red Cross at 1-800-RED-CROSS/1-800-733-2767 or visit the American Red Cross Safe and Well
    • The American Red Cross also maintains a database to help you find family. Contact the local American Red Cross chapter where you are staying for information. Do not contact the chapter in the disaster area.
  • If you evacuated, return home only when officials say it is safe.
  • If you cannot return home and have immediate housing needs. Text SHELTER + your ZIP code to 43362 (4FEMA) to find the nearest shelter in your area (example: shelter 12345).
  • For those who have longer-term housing needs, FEMA offers several types of assistance, including services and grants to help people repair their homes and find replacement housing. Apply for assistance or search for information about housing rental resources

These are just a few of the great tips and suggestions they have on that site.  I hope never to have to use any of them, but it's good to know they're there.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Dias de Memoria

La Princesa con el Padre

Relajando con su papa querido

Field Day en la escuela, El doctor enseñando su forma

El padre se embullo y nuestro equipo AZUL ganó!!!
Estamos embulladisimos de nuestro campeon!

Esperando un post con mas palabras?

Sorry con ehcuse me!

Como pasaron ustedes el weekend largo?