Crystal Wash 2.0 Giveaway - A Whole New Way To Clean Laundry! #crystalwash ~ 2 WINNERS!

Deliciously Savvy Is Hosting A Giveaway for 2 Lucky Winners to Receive Crystal Wash 2.0! ( $50 ARV each) This is an amazing product that I am already In love with after only 2 washes! I will include my full review on the giveaway post so be on the lookout! I really cannot wait to share how amazing this product is! There is an awesome video at the bottom of this post that explains more too.
Sponsored By: Crystal Wash 2.0
Hosted By:
Giveaway Dates: 12 AM EST 2/26 until 12 AM EST 3/12
Co-Hosts Needed: $5 for 5 links of your choice PLUS the 2 FREE links above = 7 links total. And I mean ANY links you choose… Facebook Likes, shares and or Comments, Twitter Re-tweets, Website Comments, Giveaway Entries, Daily Votes, Daily Endorsements, Extra Follows, Anything, you tell me! You will be be highlighted in the Giveaway Picture and Giveaway HTML, as well as receive a co-host page PLUS an extra follow page or two depending on total number of sign ups, which are all linked back to your website. Co-Hosts Are Not Required To Post Announcement BUT It Is Greatly Appreciated.:)
***Other Sign Up Options Available On Sign Up Form***
Open To Us Residents and must be 18+ to enter